Friday, January 29, 2010

Through the night on a great big sled

Another things i like post.



You may remember my "yay it's sunny no more snow" post. Just kidding. It totally snowed again.
Do you know what that means?


There's an okay sledding hill près moi (Yes I speak french. Been speakin it for like 10 years now)

It's like a... 5/10. Not very steep. Then again, I'm such a puss when it comes to that.

The golden rule of sledding?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Have you ever heard the wolf cry at the blue corn moon? I haven't.

This is another THINGS I LIKE post.

What do I like?

Animated Disney movies. For some reason, I've been loving Pocahontas lately (the songs have been stuck on replay on my ipod for quite sometime.) Pocahontas is not necessarily my favorite, but it's still Disney goooooooold.

What do I like about it?

A) The songs.
Colors of the Wind- Pretty fucking deep for Disney. All those questions, and Pocahontas frolicking with John Smith just added to it's epicness.
Around the Riverbend-The first line: "What I love most about rivers is you can't step in the same river twice. The water's always changing, always flowing; but people, I guess, can't live like that, we all must pay a price. To be safe, we lose our chance of ever knowing what's around the riverbend." That totally sounds like something my stoner "musician" slightly emo cousin would say if he was high on life. It's sort of dorky but insightful at the same time. I guess all the disney animated movies all like that :D

B) Pocahontas herself.
Yes, yes I know. A lot of the animated version of Pocahontas is *sigh* fictional. But Pocahontas, both fictionally and in real life, was a badass. SHE SAVED HER PEOPLE FROM GETTING WIPED OUT BY THEM ENGLISHMEN. Apparently, in real life, she was 10 YEARS OLD (thank you Wikipedia) when she saved her tribe. TEN FUCKING YEARS OLD. Woah man. I still thought that I was gonna be a professional pillow fort builder when I grew up when I was 10. Damn.

C) Pocanhontas' hair.
DON'T LAUGH AT ME. My hair is the same color and thickness (I'm not native btw) as her's, so she's always been a hair hero of mine. And my hair is almost as long as her's now :)

(Yes, I spend my exam breaks editing Disney princess pictures. ShutupyesI'madorkIknow. Anyways, COLORS OF THE WINDDDD)


K. So.




There lived a little teenage girl in far off land called Canada which actually is sort of lame. Don't get me wrong, little teenage girl LOVES her precious Canada, but, they unfortunately lack some badass things.

Canada has moose. And maple syrup. And the beauty that is BC. And the Yukon. BUT

We don't have SKINS. (If somehow you don't know what the fuck I'm talking about...


Sadly, this is all little teenage girl (ahem Me) knows. She has NEVER EVER EVER seen an episode. Why? BECAUSE WE DON'T GET IT IN CANADA.

Alas. There is a glimmer of hope to this tragic tale. I (little teenage canadian gal) have found both of the seasons at HMV (Um, it's just store. That sells CDs/DVDs/yeah.)

So, I have come to the conclusion that instead of saving up for my trip to france in two years (more on that... eventually?), it is far more important to buy $100 worth of british tv gold.

(Like I said BRITISH. TV. GOLD. From anarchyblitz on photobucket)

(Kaya Scodelario/Effy/BAMF= love. from rachrachbo on photobucket)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Things I like: FOOD

I am a foodie. (I have previously mentioned this) BUT TO GO INTO MORE DETAIL

I especially like CHICK PEAS (or garbonzo beans. same thing).

(CHICK PEAS. I took this.)

Anywho. They're awesome. You can make weird bread things with them (FALAFEL) or weird dip stuff (HUMUS) or you can put super badass home-made vinegrette on them (teehee). You can put them in SALADS and yeah. I don't think you can make desserts with them... OR CAN YOU. Who knows. I don't.

Others things I like that are food-related:

-BAKING! Yay baking. I bake when I'm bored/happy/sad. As a matter of fact, I'm baking brownies right now.I'll post a pic when they're done :).
-Pears :D (not asian pears though)
-Granny smith apples: I haven't had any in a while because I have 2 open mouth sores (I swear, not herpes) and the acidity would so not help
-BREAD. OH MY GOD. I love love love love love bread. Not even funny. I like sour dough.

You may have noticed that most of my favorite links are fashion related. Expect a fashion related post sometime next week.


(Why do they look so... shiny?)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I myself am an artist. I like to draw. And paint occasionally. I'm not that good though. I like realistic looking things. I fail at drawing/painting realistically.

Ron Mueck however...
If you don't know who Ron Mueck is, you're about to find out.

(The genius at work. From:

Ron Mueck is a hyperrealist sculptor, and he's hella good to be quite frank. (He's also Australian. Which is good.)
I've had the amazing privilege to see two of his sculptures up close and personal at the National Art Gallery in Ottawa for a school trip.

(I saw this one, entitled "A Girl". All of my friends thought it was fucking creepy/messed. I think it's genius. From:

(I also saw this. I'll admit, this one is super duper scary. From: If you want a bigger view:

Here's a link of some other super amazing hyperrealist sculptors:
They're so eerily real.

Monday, January 18, 2010

(One of my many) OBSESSIONS.

I need to be up front with you people. (Shit I don't even know if anyone reads this. I DO NOT CARE I AM COMMITTED TO THIS DAMN BLOG)

So, um.


I have a magazine addiction. They make so damn happy. I think the most magazines I've bought in a month was like... a dozen.

It pisses my momma off so much :D

So now my poor tiny room is being assaulted by this ridiculous amount of magazines I've gathered since like, 1.5 years.

My personal favorites you (once again, maybe I'm just talking to myself) ask?
(If you haven't noticed by now, I like making lists.)

-InStyle. ( They always have so much stuff in their magazines. Thick magazines delight me.
-Seventeen ( and Teen Vogue ( K shut up. I'm like a teenaged girl. Our options are limited.
-Vogue ( Fair ( Bazaar ( magazines targeted to people slightly ahem "older" than my designated age group. Screw that. I may never ever ever be able to afford like ANYTHING they feature but it doesn't matter. I like their shoots. They're cool. (I'm really insightful, I know)
-Nylon ( Oh my god, favorite magazine pretty much ever. It's like the anti Seventeen even though it's sort of targeting the same age group.

The major thing that I don't like about teen targeted magazines?
The fricking Disney people that are perpetually on the cover. Or Twilight. Which is about equal to me. Selena Gomez & Demi Lovato are okay. So is Taylor Lautner. And Edward Cullen (robert pattinson isn't a real person anymore) is okay too I guess. But Miley and Kristen and the JoBros and all them can go screw.
Much to my chagrin, guess who's on this month's Harper's Bazaar cover?
Miley herself.
Thankfully, they made up for it by photoshopping the hell out of her mug.

(from justjared.)
i just might have to buy it now to bask in it's glory :D

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Sunshine and happiness, how I have missed thee


It's nice out in this shit hole that I live in. Hopefully all the snow on my precious trampoline will be gone soon :)

Even if all the snow is gone, I can't play outside (I sound like a dog...) BECAUSE I HAVE TO FUCKING STUDY FOR FINALS. I hate studying more than... a lot of things. Almost as much as I hate raisins. I fucking hate raisins. And onions.

Okay, I was going to say something somewhat non-random... Damn now I forget.


Sunny music. I like sunny/happy music. Here's a playlist:

1) Sloop John B- The Beach Boys (Expect to see a lot of Beach Boys on here. The Beach Boys are the best. And this song makes me so happy. It makes me want to frolic in an ocean.)
2) Everything's Alright- Yvonne Elliman/Carl Anderson/Ted Neeley (Yes, THAT song from Jesus Christ Superstar. Despite the fact I'm ridiculously religiously neutral, I love JCS. 70s at it's best)
3) California- Joni Mitchell (Her voice reminds me of some happy go lucky 6 year old flower child. It's so pretty. Shame about the smoking thing.)
4) A Song About California- Hey Ocean (One of my fave canadian bands. They're really really good live. And their female lead, ashleigh ball, is cute:)
5) Don't Go Breaking My Heart- Elton John & Kiki Dee (HOW CAN YOU NOT LIKE THIS SONG. Just look at Miss Dee. I'm pretty sure I had those overalls when I was like, 5)
6) I Get Around- The Beach Boys (This song is such a stud.)
7) We Go Together- Grease (I am very proud to say I know majority of this song. It makes me happy like no other)
8) I Want To Hold Your Hand- The Beatles (They sound so happy. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY)
9) Build Me Up Buttercup- The Foundations (La crème du la crème of happy music despite the fact they're like, whining about how some girl is messing with their heart. BUT IT'S SO HAPPY. Julia Nunes' cover is pretty damn happy too:

Thursday, January 14, 2010


I'm kind of retarded because I just realized that there's like a 400% chance that you don't even know/give a damn that this isn't my first blog.

So here we go. 15 things you should know about me:

-I'm a teenage girl. Expect whining about parents/school/boys/friends/myself A LOT
-I live in the great white north. i fucking love canada.
-Swearing is my top vice.
-I'm a foodie. Like a hardcore foodie. But I'm really fussy. My palette is like godly.
-I'm short.
-I'm a TV nerd.
-I get scared really easily/my imagination is a wild beast that has yet to be tamed
-Strangers are convinced I have ADHD, but my friends know it's just undiagnosed hyper OCD
-I'm of mixed descent.
-I'm a shitty swimmer.
-The most religious thing about me is that I've watched JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR like a dozen times. (Best fucking rock opera about Jesus dying EVER)
-I thrive off of Christmas decorating, the
n fucking crash and burn after it's over
-I love love love love love magazines.
-I very rarely read recent books written for my age group, because they kind of suck ass. I like old books, from like 1800s onward.
-My real name is completely irrelevant. Orientalmunchkin= me. Honestly, I was a female member in the lollipop guild (munchkins division) somewhere over a rainbow in a past life.

Time to commit.

I've created like 3 other blogs in the last few years.

This will be the one that I will commit to. I refuse to let this one go.